
Uae Israel Agreement Details

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Uae Israel Agreement Details

On August 13, 2020, the United Arab Emirates and Israel announced an agreement to establish diplomatic relations, marking a historic shift in the Middle East. Here are some key details about the agreement:

1. Formalization of Relations: The agreement establishes full diplomatic relations between the UAE and Israel, including the opening of embassies and exchange of ambassadors.

2. Annexation of Palestinian Territories: The agreement calls for Israel to suspend its planned annexation of Palestinian territories in the West Bank, a move that has been widely criticized by the international community.

3. Cooperation: The UAE and Israel have agreed to cooperate in a number of areas, including tourism, trade, healthcare, energy, and security.

4. Direct Flights: As part of the agreement, direct flights between the two countries will be established, which will greatly facilitate travel and business relations.

5. People-to-People Contacts: The agreement aims to promote people-to-people contacts between the two countries, including cultural exchange programs, academic cooperation, and joint research projects.

6. Regional Stability: The UAE and Israel have stated that the agreement will contribute to regional stability and security, by fostering greater cooperation and understanding between the two countries.

7. International Recognition: The agreement has been hailed by many countries and international organizations, including the United States, the European Union, and the United Nations, as a major step towards peace and stability in the Middle East.

In conclusion, the UAE-Israel Agreement is a groundbreaking development that has the potential to transform the region and unlock new opportunities for both countries. Its success will depend on the successful implementation of its provisions and the commitment of both sides to work together towards a brighter future.